If you've managed to get this far in life without doing any public speaking, spill. What is your secret??? Chances are you’ve had to do some sort of presentation at least once, whether at school or work. There are very few people who revel in the idea of speaking before an audience, and the general consensus is that it sucks. There are countless more pleasant things to do. Like epilating your back or getting chilli in your eye. Hobbies, yo!
Public speaking takes some guts, and everyone feels nervous or anxious, or something else in their pants - even those most experienced. They’ve just learned how to hide it well. Being a good public speaker can’t be done simply by reading about it. It’s one of those skills that requires more practice than education. There are plenty of sites that provide impossibly long lists of ways to excel at public speaking. But their tips are either hard to remember, or even harder to do. Have you tried imagining people naked? Don’t. Really, don’t.
Here are some tips and methods that are easy to remember, easy to follow, and are effective in decreasing the appearance of nerves - and as a result, lowering your anxiety. Public speaking takes some guts, and everyone feels nervous or anxious, or something else in their pants - even those most experienced. They’ve just learned how to hide it well. Being a good public speaker can’t be done simply by reading about it. It’s one of those skills that requires more practice than education. There are plenty of sites that provide impossibly long lists of ways to excel at public speaking. But their tips are either hard to remember, or even harder to do. Have you tried imagining people naked? Don’t. Really, don’t.
Try not to overthink it.
If you catch yourself thinking about how the audience will react to your presentation, think about something else. Try not to entertain the thought. The more you think about it, the more you’ll build on the anxiety. Perhaps think about the last thing that made you laugh, or a recent fond memory. If you’re an excellent procrastinator, use that method to procrastinate from thinking about the presentation (procrastinating can be handy?!).
Take a deep breath and exhale.
This may sound obvious and perhaps even insulting, but many times before we nervously begin our talk, we take a large breath and forget to exhale. This affects our talking speed and in turn affects our breathing. We end up taking quicker, shallower breaths, and increase our heart rate and anxiety. Instead, try to very slowly and deeply inhale. Hold it in for three seconds. And then slowly release it all. Do it three times before you start your talk. You can do this before you enter the presentation room, or while you’re preparing your presentation space.
Step forward and make eye contact.
Have you ever ripped off a band-aid slowly? Not fun, right? The faster you do it, the less time your brain has to register the pain. Stepping forward and closer to your audience (when permissible) may not seem like the best idea in countering your nerves, but it is and it does. The same way most girls wear makeup to boost their confidence, stepping forward will too. Your actions are fooling your brain into thinking you’re not really as nervous as you think you are. This is definitely a tactic you have to try to understand. Getting closer to the audience also gives them the impression that you’re confident and comfortable with yourself. When you know that’s how they’ll perceive you, you’re more likely to relax a little as well.
Speak slowly.
This might be hard at first. Use clear, short words. Insert pauses. This will also help in slowing down your higher heart rate. Remember that you’re the one controlling the pace, you’re the boss. If you’re restricted by time, try to organise your presentation for a slower pace. Presentations are rarely used for a bombardment of information. If you use the most important points in the presentation, that’ll ensure audience engagement and it will fuel your confidence. Try to impress people with the content of your presentation and not the lyrical gifts you’re dropping. There’s a time and place to be fancy, and it’s not during a presentation. While we’re on the topic of the mouth, if you suffer from cottonmouth (dryness), there are a few things you can do about it. Anxiety dries out the system, so drinking some water before presenting will help. Drinking citrus juices will also help by attacking the mucus that’s hindering necessary swallowing and breathing. Alternatively, you can chew gum before your talk. Chewing stimulates the salivary glands, producing large amounts of saliva. If none of these work, consider swishing half a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil around your mouth. This will lock the moisture in your mouth by leaving a protective coating.
Ask questions.
...if appropriate. Even if they’re simple ones like, “has anyone ever heard of (blank) before?”. If you’re concerned that there’s a chance no one will answer, ask something like, “show of hands who here has (blank)”. It may seem insignificant, however it will break the barrier between you as a presenter and them as an audience, and hopefully ease your nerves a little more.
Use your hands.
If you’re not holding notes or a projector remote and don’t know what to do with your hands, clasp them together around your belly button region. Its a neutral, natural position that’ll have you feeling a little more comfortable without looking odd. When you need to make hand gestures, do so, and then return to the position. If it’s impossible for you to have your hands empty, you could always hold a pen or a pencil. Use it in conjunction with a few small hand movements (like pointing to sections on your posters or presentation slides). If you’re holding paper and are worried that someone will see your hands shaking, then use a clipboard or something with a hard cover. But avoid fidgeting. No one wants to see you dancing like Lorde, bless her. This one can be hard, but it’s one of the more obvious signs of nerves.
Wear something comfortable.
If you need to be more formal and business-like, wear something that’s closer to your more comfortable clothes. You’re already out of your comfort zone by needing to present, don’t push yourself further out by wearing something very different from your normal attire. If you normally wear loose clothes, wear a loose suit pant with a tucked-in loose blouse.
Be yourself.

Being nervous and a little anxious is normal and healthy and human. They’re impossible to completely eradicate, but can definitely be lessened through various tactics. Try and see what works best for you. Some people create a completely different persona when they’re presenting (or performing, ahem, Sasha Fierce). Just remember that you’re never alone. Everyone, and I mean everyone - even the most professional presenters, have had unpleasant experiences. Mistakes are unavoidable, but you can limit them through preparation. Make the most of the experience, its the best way to learn. And learning is always to our advantage.
If you'd like to read about some of my embarrassing experiences with public speaking, check out this post on my personal blog, Simonarchy.
Now go and kick some ass!
Now go and kick some ass!
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