27 March 2015


...it was a struggle to pick the top 50, considering how many there are. I challenge someone to find me a product, natural or man-made, that can provide more uses than coconut oil.


  1. Conditioner: Conditions, strengthens, and repairs hair (also tames frizz)
  2. Dandruff: Eases itching and flaking
  3. Lice: Kills and removes


  1. Eye Cream: Reduce puffiness and dark circles 
  2. Stys/Pink Eye: Rub a small amount around the infected area (not inside the eye - it will sting)
  3. Face Scrub: Mix with baking soda, sugar, or cinnamon and oatmeal
  4. Acne: Gently fights acne-causing bacteria (dab directly on area) 
  5. Wrinkles: Massage in to rehydrate skin 
  6. Makeup Remover: Removes oil-based makeup 
  7. Moisturiser: Hydrates skin and promotes healthy glow
  8. After Shave: Soothes skin, promotes healing 
  9. Lip Balm: Hydrates and protects, even offers slight sun protection (SPF 4)
  10. Cold Sore: The antiviral properties eliminate the virus causing cold sores (add a drop of oregano oil to speed healing)
  11. Toothpaste: 1 part coconut oil + 1 part baking soda + 1 drop peppermint oil = refreshes, cleans AND whitens 


  1. Massage Oil: Soothes sore muscles.
  2. Cleanser: Removes grime 
  3. Stretch Marks: Prevent and soften stretch marks from pregnancy with coconut oil for soft and supple skin. 
  4. Warts and Moles: Rub oil into area and cover with a bandage. Apply new every day.
  5. Moisturiser: Like with the face, it softens and hydrates dry, rough, or damaged skin 
  6. Lubricant: Should not be used with condoms as oils tend to compromise the integrity of your protection, but otherwise a perfect natural alternative
  7. Age Spots: It's powerful antioxidants aid in fading age spots 
  8. Shaving Cream: maintains smooth razor applications and leaves skin soft
  9. Deodorant: Mix with cornstarch, baking soda, and essential oils (long-lasting, and kills the bacteria that produce the bad smells)


  1. Toothaches: Eases pain and strengthens teeth. Mix with a drop of clove oil for instant relief 
  2. Acid Reflux: A small spoonful with meals to reduce acid reflux and heartburn 
  3. Urinary Tract: A spoonful may even ease the painful passing of kidney stones 
  4. Nursing: Repairs dry, cracked nipples from nursing 
  5. Nose Bleeds: Rub in nostrils to fight the dry cracking  
  6. Chicken Pox: Ease the itch and encourage healing with direct application (also works on: poison ivy, poison oak, mosquito bites, and other insect stings or bites) 
  7. Yeast Infections: Fights fungal infections internally and externally 
  8. Eczema: Reduces itchiness, pain, flakiness, and dryness of eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis Sunburn: Slightly helps prevents sunburn for short exposures. 
  9. Hemorrhoids: Eases the pain and discomfort, and encourages natural healing ( internally and externally) 
  10. Athletes Foot : The powerful antifungal properties make it perfect for any fungal infection (add a few drops of oregano or tea tree oil for more antifungal power) 
  11. Ring Worm: Rub onto affected area to kill the fungus, then add tea tree oil to clear the infection even faster  
  12. Earaches: Clear up fast with a few drops that are mixed with garlic oil (for earaches, swimmer’s ear, and ear infections)
  13. Cradle Cap: Gentle and safe for infants, and eases itching, pain, redness, and flaking 
  14. Diaper Rash: Helps heal mild diaper rash 
  15. Bruises: Rub into bruised skin to speed healing, bruises will fade fast


  1. Fitness: Boosts energy, increases metabolism, improves thyroid function, and aids healthy weight loss. 
  2. Energy: Its medium chain triglycerides make it an excellent energy source to improve stamina, endurance, or just to give you a boost through the day. 
  3. Curb Appetite: Spoonful before meals curbs appetite and prevents overeating
  4. Sore Throat: A spoonful will coat and protect the throat, boost the health of mucus membranes, and fight infection
  5. Canker Sores: Dab on canker sores to kill infection and speed up healing
  6. Bones: Aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium. 
  7. Epilepsy: May reduce the incidence and intensity 
  8. Alzheimer’s: Some research points to coconut oil as a way to slow the progression of or prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. 
  9. Cooking: It doesn’t form harmful by-products when heated (like most other oils and animal fats). Use it to replace butter, cup for cup in recipes. Sauté, cook, bake, broil, braise, and more using coconut oil as a healthier alternative 


  1. Gum Removal: Removes from hair, carpet, etc  
  2. Polish Furniture: Provides protective shine to wooden decor. 
  3. Pet Health: Many benefits with topical and internal applications (improves breath, shinier coat, eases joint problems, cleans ears, removes fleas)
If you've used any of these methods above, leave a comment below and let us know whether they worked for you (or not)!

Happy oiling!

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