If "DIY" and "men" are two words you don't recognise in the same sentence, then prepared to be learned hard.

I dare say that men DIY more than women, with their focus being on fixing the necessities (no offence, ladies). However, a recent
decrease in male-DIYs has been noted, with some attributing it to the brushing aside of fatherly-type behaviours and an uptake of more motherly roles. Whatever the reason for this turning trend, bother genders need to get (or return) on the DIY bandwagon.
Not only is money saved, but skills are acquired and perfected. We all need some time alone, whether it's to create, to learn, or to just be. Taking part in an activity (outside of work and socialising) that is both challenging and interesting improves psychological states, stabalises and improves mood and emotions (I'm looking at you, ladies), and promotes better health. The science is there. Trust me. Or my BA in Psychology. Not to mention that creating and is very attractive to the opposite sex.
In an attempt to bring back the "manly" DIYs, here are my favourite sites:
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