Do you check your phone first thing in the morning? Do you constantly take photos of food? Is your only form of communication with your friends and the outside world through social media? You may have a problem. Luckily, it won't require rehab. Just some easy, week-long detox. This is healthy for the soul, and brilliant for anyone who's phone is attached to their hip. Or hand. Once you get through the week, you'll be surprised how easy it was to detach yourself. Perhaps you'll even make it a permanent move.
28 February 2015
27 February 2015

I hope this is a tradition I can continue monthly, but my memory isn't superb. I'll try not to fail you.
26 February 2015

25 February 2015
Feel less guilty because you've made it yourself! This guy has some brilliant videos on simple, easy-to-follow recipes. This is probably one of my favourite.
22 February 2015

"Oh, are you guys doing the minimal thing?"
"...yep. That's, yes. That's what we're going for. Minimal."
Obviously some actually CHOOSE to go minimal, because its easy. Not always cheap, but definitely easy. To make it cheap, you have to think smart. Think few colours. Think easy-to-maintain. Think long-lasting. It'll make your space look bigger and cleaner. A cluttered home makes for a cluttered mind.
Here are some minimal layouts that might inspire you to keep it simple, stupid...

19 February 2015

18 February 2015

Finding the perfect calendar for when you're busy isn't easy. And it's not necessarily cheap, either. I don't know about you, but as much as I love puppies and other furry baby animals, I like to keep my calendars simple, and with a lot of space for notes and reminders. I can barely rely on my memory to eat, let alone important dates and events.
17 February 2015
Arm Knitting?!
Knitting isn't for everyone. It requires patience. And patience. However its great for stress-relief, promotes healthy brain activity, and has countless other benefits. One knitting trend that's been gaining many followers recently is arm knitting. Don't throw out your knitting needles, though. This is just a somewhat lazier alternative (though inconvenient, if you have to drop what you're doing) that provides a thicker, chunkier end result. This video from Michaels Stores on YouTube takes you through the process of creating an infinity scarf. Something that definitely comes in handy, even in Australia.
16 February 2015
International Student Discount Card
This might actually be cooler than sliced bread. Sta Travel offers a number of discount cards for students, youths and teachers. These cards offer a range of big discounts on a huge range of products nationally and internationally.
14 February 2015
How to: Dry Nails Fast
Doing your own manicure is almost like meditating. It's calming, relaxing, and great for unwinding from stressful events. It's also pretty fun once you get the hang of it and master the art of not looking like a 2-year-old attacked you with paint. Sometimes you don't have the luxury of taking your time, and you're in a rush. Waiting for nails to dry can be a pain, and seeing nail polish smeared across your fingers, clothes and walls isn't fun. This YouTube beauty guru has got a neat trick for drying nails fast. 1-minute fast.
10 February 2015
Lemons: The Golden Fruit
09 February 2015
Rent Clothes!
Pick up your jaw. This is no time for dramatics. If you're limited on cash or don't want to commit to a permanent purchase, it might be of some benefit to visit online stores that rent out formal/dressy clothing. These sites would probably be for more glamorous occasions than simply a girl's night out, but they do have a large range of variety and prices, so it's up to you on how and when you take advantage of this system.
08 February 2015
DIY Distress
Buying distressed jeans tends to be more expensive than buying immaculate jeans. Why? Because someone went through the effort of distressing them for you. And yet the actual process of distressing isn't even remotely hard. This short, straight-to-the-point video covers the basics of DIY distress.
05 February 2015
Sweater Weather Prep
We're heading towards the end of summer, but some areas around Australia have been needing to pull out their warmer clothes earlier than might be expected. So with that in mind, it's probably a good idea to keep these sweater tips and tricks at the back of your mind. They'll keep your sweaters lasting, and staying newer for longer.
P.S. When it comes to DIYs, or tips and tricks, there's nothing more I love than a simple, quick, quality video that's straight to the point and filmed exceptionally.
04 February 2015

If you haven't heard of, it's basically your fairy godmother. In a way. Sort of. Its a site devoted to helping you help you. When you're stuck on what to cook, have limited ingredients, or want to play chef roulette, hope onto Supercook. You list the ingredients you have or want to use, and Supercook provides you with a list of recipes. If you're feeling picky, you can even specify recipe type.
There's a reason TIME magazine rated it in their 50 Best Websites of 2014. Which, by the way, you should totally check out.
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