10 February 2015

Lemons: The Golden Fruit

Lemons these days have become quite pricey here in Queensland. But when you consider the countless benefits they hold, their juicy goodness will seem like the cheapest elixir of life. Here are 16 of the many things lemon water is capable of doing...

  1. Boost energy: oxygenates, thus energising the body 
  2. Boost immune system: injects vitamin C (about 44.5 mg per lemon) into your system and aids the body in maintaining a balanced pH (it alkalises). 
  3. Improve digestion: stimulates the stomach, increasing the production of digestive juices and improves peristalsis (the muscular contractions that push food through the digestive tract). Improved digestion = greater nutrient absorption + less bloating.
  4. Promote bowel movement: stimulates the production of bile in the liver - a natural method of waste removal. It also acts as a mild diuretic, increasing urination frequency and flushing out toxins from the urinary tract. 
  5. Detox liver: the liver filters blood of waste products, drugs, pesticides and other toxins. The two-phase process needs bile to carry the neutralized toxins into the intestines for safe removal. Lemon juice is a powerful cholagogue (substance stimulating bile production), promoting the flow of bile into the small intestine. 
  6. Lose weight: the liver regulates fat metabolism, breaking down fats (cellulite included) and removing them via the large intestine. 
  7. Improve appearance of skin: lemon water releases impurities through every exit point (or detoxification channel), including the skin. A normal mild bout of acne might occur first (as the toxins exit the body).
  8. Great source of potassium: excellent for better heart health, and brain and nerve function.
  9. Freshens breath: also relieves toothaches and gingivitis. Be careful with the acid eroding tooth enamel - avoid brushing teeth soon after drinking lemon water.
  10. Fights inflammation: due to its alkaline properties, regular lemon water will lower the body's acidity (where disease states develop). Uric acid is removed from the joins - a main cause of inflammation.
  11. Post-workout replenisher: reintroduces the body salts lost during a strenuous workout.
  12. Eases heart burn: it balances the liver's calcium and oxygen levels, and a concentrated amount can provide immediate relief for heart burn.
  13. Hydrates: warm water and lemon juice hydrates and replaces fluids lost by the body.
  14. Reduces mucus: some dairy consumers are more sensitive to mucus production. Lemon water reduces the formation of mucus and phlegm. 
  15. Caffeine replacement: lukewarm lemon water provides a similar energy boost to wake the body, like one cup of coffee.
  16. Brain benefits: the high levels of potassium and magnesium are beneficial to the brain and nervous system. Shown to fight depression and stress, it also aids in strengthening focus.  

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