Shopping for pre-loved items can definitely be a challenge when you're trying to make sure they're not damaged beyond repair (repair you're capable of fixing, that is). It may also not be the most pleasant experience for people with hay fever (ahem). Sometimes you have to push past crowded tiny aisles and end up coming out with nothing. Or seeing someone buy THE EXACT THING YOU CAME FOR. But the pros far outweigh the cons.
Here are 7 reasons why you should thrift shop:
- Inexpensive & cheap. We've covered this already, and even if we hadn't, Macklemore sure did.
- Unique. You're not likely to head over to your friend's place and find the exact same coffee table in the middle of their living room.
- Sturdy. The fact that they're pre-loved and still look in fine condition is evidence of their quality. It ain't that easy to find quality these days, folks.
- Customisable. You can really play around with your style and break all the rules.
- Easy shopping. It's unlikely that you'll be hassled by a customer service boy or girl trying to sell/upsell.
- THE FIND. Sometimes you head into a thrift store with an objective. Sometimes you don't. Whatever the case, everyone experience at least one of these moments during their thrifting experience: THE FIND. The one thing you cannot believe no one has picked up. Or that someone actually gave away in the first place. It becomes the centrepiece of your room. Your house, maybe. Its what everyone who visits sees and goes, "Oh my. Where did you get THAT?"
- Leisure. It's fun to go thrifting. Gather a small number of friends and visit the local places. Or if you prefer to go alone and treat it as me-time, then go ahead.
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