26 February 2015


Its here! For some the start-up of school again is gonna mean they get to have purpose once more, for others its gonna mean they have to add more to their already full plate. But whether you're excited for it or not, you've gotta do some prep (if you haven't already). So here are some quick, cheap alternatives to everyday necessities (and luxuries) that will get you ready for this semester... 

quick DIYs:

Use old drawers as vertical book shelves.

If you take two bags to uni, use this to store
your personals (it won't be able to hold your books).

Would have been handier to get this before summer...
but if you're after a new look for this semester,
you don't need to pay $$$. Flick these on with a pair of stockings
or leggings you can wear the on the colder days.

Prevent from cables getting twisted (and therefore damaged)
by looping them through a binder clip.

Frames too expensive? Use coloured tape!

Create a stronger WiFi signal with a beer can!

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